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Requires Authentication
Required role:API
The following routes are available for this service:
All Verbs/api/Query/BookingAttendees
import Foundation
import ServiceStack

// @AutoQueryViewer(Description="", IconUrl="octicon:database", Title="BookingAttendees")
public class ViewBookingAttendees : QueryDb<BookingAttendeesInstance>
    required public init(){ super.init() }

    required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        try super.init(from: decoder)

    public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        try super.encode(to: encoder)

public class BookingAttendeesInstance : Codable
    public var bookingAttendeeId:Int?
    public var booking:BookingInstance?
    // @References(typeof(BookingInstance))
    public var bookingId:Int?

    public var member:MemberInstance?
    // @References(typeof(MemberInstance))
    public var memberId:Int?

    public var purchase:PurchaseInstance?
    // @References(typeof(PurchaseInstance))
    public var purchaseId:Int?

    public var attended:Bool?
    public var attendance:AttendanceInstance?
    // @References(typeof(AttendanceInstance))
    public var attendanceId:Int?

    public var deleted:Date?
    // @References(typeof(MembershipInstance))
    public var membershipId:Int?

    required public init(){}

public class BookingInstance : Codable
    public var bookingId:Int?
    public var name:String?
    public var notes:String?
    public var startDate:Date?
    public var duration:Int?
    public var allDay:Bool?
    public var recurrence:String?
    public var useRecurrence:Bool?
    public var minAttendees:Int?
    public var maxAttendees:Int?
    public var product:ProductInstance?
    // @References(typeof(ProductInstance))
    public var productId:Int?

    public var facility:FacilityInstance?
    // @References(typeof(FacilityInstance))
    public var facilityId:Int?

    public var staff:StaffInstance?
    // @References(typeof(StaffInstance))
    public var staffId:Int?

    public var parentBooking:BookingInstance?
    // @References(typeof(BookingInstance))
    public var parentBookingId:Int?

    public var seriesIndex:Int?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var demo:Bool?
    public var member:MemberInstance?
    // @References(typeof(MemberInstance))
    public var memberId:Int?

    public var endDate:Date?
    public var tasterSession:Bool?
    public var immediatePayment:Bool?
    public var gradingEvent:Bool?
    public var url:String?
    public var visible:Bool?
    public var bookable:Bool?
    public var nonMemberProductId:Int?
    public var tasterSessionProductId:Int?
    public var activeMemberCanBook:Bool?
    public var nonMemberCanBook:Bool?
    public var onlineBookingTimetableLimit:Int?
    public var onlineBookingCancellationLimit:Int?
    public var bookingCategoryId:Int?

    required public init(){}

public class ProductInstance : Codable
    public var productId:Int?
    public var group:String?
    public var name:String?
    public var Description:String?
    public var price:Double?
    public var vat:Double?
    public var totalPrice:Double?
    public var productType:Int?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var demo:Bool?
    public var usageCount:Int?
    public var stockLevel:Int?
    public var reorderFlag:Int?
    public var visibleOnline:Bool?

    required public init(){}

public class FacilityInstance : Codable
    public var facilityId:Int?
    public var name:String?
    public var Description:String?
    public var schedule:ScheduleInstance?
    // @References(typeof(ScheduleInstance))
    public var scheduleId:Int?

    public var colour:String?
    public var bookable:Bool?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var demo:Bool?
    public var group:String?

    required public init(){}

public class ScheduleInstance : Codable
    public var scheduleId:Int?
    public var name:String?
    public var Description:String?
    @TimeSpan public var mondayFrom:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var mondayTo:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var tuesdayFrom:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var tuesdayTo:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var wednesdayFrom:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var wednesdayTo:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var thursdayFrom:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var thursdayTo:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var fridayFrom:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var fridayTo:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var saturdayFrom:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var saturdayTo:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var sundayFrom:TimeInterval?
    @TimeSpan public var sundayTo:TimeInterval?
    public var scheduleType:Int?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var demo:Bool?

    required public init(){}

public class StaffInstance : Codable
    public var staffId:Int?
    public var name:String?
    public var schedule:ScheduleInstance?
    // @References(typeof(ScheduleInstance))
    public var scheduleId:Int?

    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var demo:Bool?
    public var group:String?
    public var profile:String?
    public var firstAidTrained:Bool?
    public var dbsCheck:Date?
    public var insuranceExpires:Date?

    required public init(){}

public class MemberInstance : Codable
    public var memberId:Int?
    public var memberType:Int?
    public var membershipNumber:String?
    public var cardNumber:String?
    public var companyName:String?
    public var surname:String?
    public var forenames:String?
    public var title:String?
    public var gender:Int?
    public var dateOfBirth:Date?
    public var address1:String?
    public var address2:String?
    public var city:String?
    public var county:String?
    public var postcode:String?
    public var homePhone:String?
    public var mobilePhone:String?
    public var emailAddress:String?
    public var emailOptOut:Bool?
    public var smsOptOut:Bool?
    public var phoneOptOut:Bool?
    public var letterOptOut:Bool?
    public var directDebitAccountHolder:String?
    public var directDebitAccountNumber:String?
    public var directDebitSortCode:String?
    public var joinedDate:Date?
    public var directDebitBankAddress:String?
    public var fullName:String?
    public var externalReference:String?
    public var photo:[UInt8] = []
    public var photoModifiedDate:Date?
    public var notes:String?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var demo:Bool?
    public var useExternalStatus:Bool?
    public var externalStatus:Int?
    public var freeText:String?
    public var memberKey:String?
    public var balance:Double?
    public var creditLimit:Double?
    public var createdDate:Date?
    public var modifiedDate:Date?
    public var deletedDate:Date?
    public var externalSource:Int?
    public var retentionMetric:Double?
    public var monthlyAttendanceFrequency:Double?
    public var assignedToUserId:Int?
    public var createdByUserId:Int?
    public var deletedByUserId:Int?
    public var lossReason:LossReasonInstance?
    // @References(typeof(LossReasonInstance))
    public var lossReasonId:Int?

    public var wonOrLost:Int?
    public var wonOrLostDate:Date?
    public var giftAidPermission:Bool?
    public var photoPermission:Bool?
    public var firstAidPermission:Bool?
    public var emergencyContact:String?
    public var wonOrLostByUser:UserInstance?
    // @References(typeof(UserInstance))
    public var wonOrLostByUserId:Int?

    public var agreedToTerms:Date?
    public var onlineBookingBanned:Bool?
    public var country:String?
    public var fingerprintEnrolled:Date?
    public var lastPaymentAmount:Double?
    public var pin:String?
    public var prospectingPoints:Int?
    public var achievementPoints:Int?
    public var parentForenames:String?
    public var parentSurname:String?

    required public init(){}

public class LossReasonInstance : Codable
    public var lossReasonId:Int?
    public var reason:String?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var demo:Bool?
    public var selectable:Bool?

    required public init(){}

public class UserInstance : Codable
    public var userId:Int?
    public var userName:String?
    public var name:String?
    public var email:String?
    public var mobilePhone:String?
    public var enabled:Bool?
    public var lastLogin:Date?
    public var created:Date?
    public var training:Bool?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var coursesCompleted:Int?
    public var displayHomeNotification:Bool?
    public var twoFactorEnabled:Bool?
    public var emailConfirmed:Bool?
    public var mobilePhoneConfirmed:Bool?
    public var notifications:Bool?
    public var changePassword:Date?
    public var activated:Date?

    required public init(){}

public class PurchaseInstance : Codable
    public var purchaseId:Int?
    public var receiptId:Int?
    public var date:Date?
    public var quantity:Double?
    public var productPrice:Double?
    public var productVAT:Double?
    public var totalPrice:Double?
    public var totalVAT:Double?
    public var total:Double?
    public var paymentMethod:Int?
    public var paymentToken:String?
    public var product:ProductInstance?
    // @References(typeof(ProductInstance))
    public var productId:Int?

    public var member:MemberInstance?
    // @References(typeof(MemberInstance))
    public var memberId:Int?

    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var demo:Bool?
    public var createdBy:Int?
    public var modifiedBy:Int?
    public var createdDate:Date?
    public var modifiedDate:Date?
    public var originalReceiptId:Int?
    public var originalPurchaseId:Int?
    public var cardNumber:String?
    public var usageCount:Int?
    // @References(typeof(PaymentInstance))
    public var paymentId:Int?

    required public init(){}

public class AttendanceInstance : Codable
    public var attendanceId:Int?
    public var date:Date?
    public var member:MemberInstance?
    // @References(typeof(MemberInstance))
    public var memberId:Int?

    public var demo:Bool?

    required public init(){}

Swift ViewBookingAttendees DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /api/Query/BookingAttendees HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	Skip: 0,
	Take: 0,
	OrderBy: String,
	OrderByDesc: String,
	Include: String,
	Fields: String,
		String: String
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	Offset: 0,
	Total: 0,
			BookingAttendeeId: 0,
				BookingId: 0,
				Name: String,
				Notes: String,
				StartDate: 0001-01-01,
				Duration: 0,
				AllDay: False,
				Recurrence: String,
				UseRecurrence: False,
				MinAttendees: 0,
				MaxAttendees: 0,
					ProductId: 0,
					Group: String,
					Name: String,
					Description: String,
					Price: 0,
					VAT: 0,
					TotalPrice: 0,
					ProductType: 0,
					Deleted: False,
					Demo: False,
					UsageCount: 0,
					StockLevel: 0,
					ReorderFlag: 0,
					VisibleOnline: False
				ProductId: 0,
					FacilityId: 0,
					Name: String,
					Description: String,
						ScheduleId: 0,
						Name: String,
						Description: String,
						MondayFrom: PT0S,
						MondayTo: PT0S,
						TuesdayFrom: PT0S,
						TuesdayTo: PT0S,
						WednesdayFrom: PT0S,
						WednesdayTo: PT0S,
						ThursdayFrom: PT0S,
						ThursdayTo: PT0S,
						FridayFrom: PT0S,
						FridayTo: PT0S,
						SaturdayFrom: PT0S,
						SaturdayTo: PT0S,
						SundayFrom: PT0S,
						SundayTo: PT0S,
						ScheduleType: 0,
						Deleted: False,
						Demo: False
					ScheduleId: 0,
					Colour: String,
					Bookable: False,
					Deleted: False,
					Demo: False,
					Group: String
				FacilityId: 0,
					StaffId: 0,
					Name: String,
						ScheduleId: 0,
						Name: String,
						Description: String,
						MondayFrom: PT0S,
						MondayTo: PT0S,
						TuesdayFrom: PT0S,
						TuesdayTo: PT0S,
						WednesdayFrom: PT0S,
						WednesdayTo: PT0S,
						ThursdayFrom: PT0S,
						ThursdayTo: PT0S,
						FridayFrom: PT0S,
						FridayTo: PT0S,
						SaturdayFrom: PT0S,
						SaturdayTo: PT0S,
						SundayFrom: PT0S,
						SundayTo: PT0S,
						ScheduleType: 0,
						Deleted: False,
						Demo: False
					ScheduleId: 0,
					Deleted: False,
					Demo: False,
					Group: String,
					Profile: String,
					FirstAidTrained: False,
					DBSCheck: 0001-01-01,
					InsuranceExpires: 0001-01-01
				StaffId: 0,
					BookingId: 0,
					Name: String,
					Notes: String,
					StartDate: 0001-01-01,
					Duration: 0,
					AllDay: False,
					Recurrence: String,
					UseRecurrence: False,
					MinAttendees: 0,
					MaxAttendees: 0,
						ProductId: 0,
						Group: String,
						Name: String,
						Description: String,
						Price: 0,
						VAT: 0,
						TotalPrice: 0,
						ProductType: 0,
						Deleted: False,
						Demo: False,
						UsageCount: 0,
						StockLevel: 0,
						ReorderFlag: 0,
						VisibleOnline: False
					ProductId: 0,
						FacilityId: 0,
						Name: String,
						Description: String,
							ScheduleId: 0,
							Name: String,
							Description: String,
							MondayFrom: PT0S,
							MondayTo: PT0S,
							TuesdayFrom: PT0S,
							TuesdayTo: PT0S,
							WednesdayFrom: PT0S,
							WednesdayTo: PT0S,
							ThursdayFrom: PT0S,
							ThursdayTo: PT0S,
							FridayFrom: PT0S,
							FridayTo: PT0S,
							SaturdayFrom: PT0S,
							SaturdayTo: PT0S,
							SundayFrom: PT0S,
							SundayTo: PT0S,
							ScheduleType: 0,
							Deleted: False,
							Demo: False
						ScheduleId: 0,
						Colour: String,
						Bookable: False,
						Deleted: False,
						Demo: False,
						Group: String
					FacilityId: 0,
						StaffId: 0,
						Name: String,
							ScheduleId: 0,
							Name: String,
							Description: String,
							MondayFrom: PT0S,
							MondayTo: PT0S,
							TuesdayFrom: PT0S,
							TuesdayTo: PT0S,
							WednesdayFrom: PT0S,
							WednesdayTo: PT0S,
							ThursdayFrom: PT0S,
							ThursdayTo: PT0S,
							FridayFrom: PT0S,
							FridayTo: PT0S,
							SaturdayFrom: PT0S,
							SaturdayTo: PT0S,
							SundayFrom: PT0S,
							SundayTo: PT0S,
							ScheduleType: 0,
							Deleted: False,
							Demo: False
						ScheduleId: 0,
						Deleted: False,
						Demo: False,
						Group: String,
						Profile: String,
						FirstAidTrained: False,
						DBSCheck: 0001-01-01,
						InsuranceExpires: 0001-01-01
					StaffId: 0,
						BookingId: 0,
						Name: String,
						Notes: String,
						StartDate: 0001-01-01,
						Duration: 0,
						AllDay: False,
						Recurrence: String,
						UseRecurrence: False,
						MinAttendees: 0,
						MaxAttendees: 0,
							ProductId: 0,
							Group: String,
							Name: String,
							Description: String,
							Price: 0,
							VAT: 0,
							TotalPrice: 0,
							ProductType: 0,
							Deleted: False,
							Demo: False,
							UsageCount: 0,
							StockLevel: 0,
							ReorderFlag: 0,
							VisibleOnline: False
						ProductId: 0,
							FacilityId: 0,
							Name: String,
							Description: String,
								ScheduleId: 0,
								Name: String,
								Description: String,
								MondayFrom: PT0S,
								MondayTo: PT0S,
								TuesdayFrom: PT0S,
								TuesdayTo: PT0S,
								WednesdayFrom: PT0S,
								WednesdayTo: PT0S,
								ThursdayFrom: PT0S,
								ThursdayTo: PT0S,
								FridayFrom: PT0S,
								FridayTo: PT0S,
								SaturdayFrom: PT0S,
								SaturdayTo: PT0S,
								SundayFrom: PT0S,
								SundayTo: PT0S,
								ScheduleType: 0,
								Deleted: False,
								Demo: False
							ScheduleId: 0,
							Colour: String,
							Bookable: False,
							Deleted: False,
							Demo: False,
							Group: String
						FacilityId: 0,
							StaffId: 0,
							Name: String,
								ScheduleId: 0,
								Name: String,
								Description: String,
								MondayFrom: PT0S,
								MondayTo: PT0S,
								TuesdayFrom: PT0S,
								TuesdayTo: PT0S,
								WednesdayFrom: PT0S,
								WednesdayTo: PT0S,
								ThursdayFrom: PT0S,
								ThursdayTo: PT0S,
								FridayFrom: PT0S,
								FridayTo: PT0S,
								SaturdayFrom: PT0S,
								SaturdayTo: PT0S,
								SundayFrom: PT0S,
								SundayTo: PT0S,
								ScheduleType: 0,
								Deleted: False,
								Demo: False
							ScheduleId: 0,
							Deleted: False,
							Demo: False,
							Group: String,
							Profile: String,
							FirstAidTrained: False,
							DBSCheck: 0001-01-01,
							InsuranceExpires: 0001-01-01
						StaffId: 0,
						ParentBookingId: 0,
						SeriesIndex: 0,
						Deleted: False,
						Demo: False,
							MemberId: 0,
							MemberType: 0,
							MembershipNumber: String,
							CardNumber: String,
							CompanyName: String,
							Surname: String,
							Forenames: String,
							Title: String,
							Gender: 0,
							DateOfBirth: 0001-01-01,
							Address1: String,
							Address2: String,
							City: String,
							County: String,
							Postcode: String,
							HomePhone: String,
							MobilePhone: String,
							EmailAddress: String,
							EmailOptOut: False,
							SmsOptOut: False,
							PhoneOptOut: False,
							LetterOptOut: False,
							DirectDebitAccountHolder: String,
							DirectDebitAccountNumber: String,
							DirectDebitSortCode: String,
							JoinedDate: 0001-01-01,
							DirectDebitBankAddress: String,
							FullName: String,
							ExternalReference: String,
							Photo: AA==,
							PhotoModifiedDate: 0001-01-01,
							Notes: String,
							Deleted: False,
							Demo: False,
							UseExternalStatus: False,
							ExternalStatus: 0,
							FreeText: String,
							MemberKey: 00000000000000000000000000000000,
							Balance: 0,
							CreditLimit: 0,
							CreatedDate: 0001-01-01,
							ModifiedDate: 0001-01-01,
							DeletedDate: 0001-01-01,
							ExternalSource: 0,
							RetentionMetric: 0,
							MonthlyAttendanceFrequency: 0,
							AssignedToUserId: 0,
							CreatedByUserId: 0,
							DeletedByUserId: 0,
								LossReasonId: 0,
								Reason: String,
								Deleted: False,
								Demo: False,
								Selectable: False
							LossReasonId: 0,
							WonOrLost: 0,
							WonOrLostDate: 0001-01-01,
							GiftAidPermission: False,
							PhotoPermission: False,
							FirstAidPermission: False,
							EmergencyContact: String,
								UserId: 0,
								UserName: String,
								Name: String,
								Email: String,
								MobilePhone: String,
								Enabled: False,
								LastLogin: 0001-01-01,
								Created: 0001-01-01,
								Training: False,
								Deleted: False,
								CoursesCompleted: 0,
								DisplayHomeNotification: False,
								TwoFactorEnabled: False,
								EmailConfirmed: False,
								MobilePhoneConfirmed: False,
								Notifications: False,
								ChangePassword: 0001-01-01,
								Activated: 0001-01-01
							WonOrLostByUserId: 0,
							AgreedToTerms: 0001-01-01,
							OnlineBookingBanned: False,
							Country: String,
							FingerprintEnrolled: 0001-01-01,
							LastPaymentAmount: 0,
							Pin: String,
							ProspectingPoints: 0,
							AchievementPoints: 0,
							ParentForenames: String,
							ParentSurname: String
						MemberId: 0,
						EndDate: 0001-01-01,
						TasterSession: False,
						ImmediatePayment: False,
						GradingEvent: False,
						Url: String,
						Visible: False,
						Bookable: False,
						NonMemberProductId: 0,
						TasterSessionProductId: 0,
						ActiveMemberCanBook: False,
						NonMemberCanBook: False,
						OnlineBookingTimetableLimit: 0,
						OnlineBookingCancellationLimit: 0,
						BookingCategoryId: 0
					ParentBookingId: 0,
					SeriesIndex: 0,
					Deleted: False,
					Demo: False,
						MemberId: 0,
						MemberType: 0,
						MembershipNumber: String,
						CardNumber: String,
						CompanyName: String,
						Surname: String,
						Forenames: String,
						Title: String,
						Gender: 0,
						DateOfBirth: 0001-01-01,
						Address1: String,
						Address2: String,
						City: String,
						County: String,
						Postcode: String,
						HomePhone: String,
						MobilePhone: String,
						EmailAddress: String,
						EmailOptOut: False,
						SmsOptOut: False,
						PhoneOptOut: False,
						LetterOptOut: False,
						DirectDebitAccountHolder: String,
						DirectDebitAccountNumber: String,
						DirectDebitSortCode: String,
						JoinedDate: 0001-01-01,
						DirectDebitBankAddress: String,
						FullName: String,
						ExternalReference: String,
						Photo: AA==,
						PhotoModifiedDate: 0001-01-01,
						Notes: String,
						Deleted: False,
						Demo: False,
						UseExternalStatus: False,
						ExternalStatus: 0,
						FreeText: String,
						MemberKey: 00000000000000000000000000000000,
						Balance: 0,
						CreditLimit: 0,
						CreatedDate: 0001-01-01,
						ModifiedDate: 0001-01-01,
						DeletedDate: 0001-01-01,
						ExternalSource: 0,
						RetentionMetric: 0,
						MonthlyAttendanceFrequency: 0,
						AssignedToUserId: 0,
						CreatedByUserId: 0,
						DeletedByUserId: 0,
							LossReasonId: 0,
							Reason: String,
							Deleted: False,
							Demo: False,
							Selectable: False
						LossReasonId: 0,
						WonOrLost: 0,
						WonOrLostDate: 0001-01-01,
						GiftAidPermission: False,
						PhotoPermission: False,
						FirstAidPermission: False,
						EmergencyContact: String,
							UserId: 0,
							UserName: String,
							Name: String,
							Email: String,
							MobilePhone: String,
							Enabled: False,
							LastLogin: 0001-01-01,
							Created: 0001-01-01,
							Training: False,
							Deleted: False,
							CoursesCompleted: 0,
							DisplayHomeNotification: False,
							TwoFactorEnabled: False,
							EmailConfirmed: False,
							MobilePhoneConfirmed: False,
							Notifications: False,
							ChangePassword: 0001-01-01,
							Activated: 0001-01-01
						WonOrLostByUserId: 0,
						AgreedToTerms: 0001-01-01,
						OnlineBookingBanned: False,
						Country: String,
						FingerprintEnrolled: 0001-01-01,
						LastPaymentAmount: 0,
						Pin: String,
						ProspectingPoints: 0,
						AchievementPoints: 0,
						ParentForenames: String,
						ParentSurname: String
					MemberId: 0,
					EndDate: 0001-01-01,
					TasterSession: False,
					ImmediatePayment: False,
					GradingEvent: False,
					Url: String,
					Visible: False,
					Bookable: False,
					NonMemberProductId: 0,
					TasterSessionProductId: 0,
					ActiveMemberCanBook: False,
					NonMemberCanBook: False,
					OnlineBookingTimetableLimit: 0,
					OnlineBookingCancellationLimit: 0,
					BookingCategoryId: 0
				ParentBookingId: 0,
				SeriesIndex: 0,
				Deleted: False,
				Demo: False,
					MemberId: 0,
					MemberType: 0,
					MembershipNumber: String,
					CardNumber: String,
					CompanyName: String,
					Surname: String,
					Forenames: String,
					Title: String,
					Gender: 0,
					DateOfBirth: 0001-01-01,
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					Address2: String,
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