POST,GET | /api/PaymentGateway/GetPaymentGatewayById |
import Foundation
import ServiceStack
public class PaymentGateway : Codable
public var paymentGatewayId:Int?
public var name:String?
public var currency:String?
public var typeName:String?
public var gatewayType:GatewayType?
public var created:Date?
public var accountingStartDate:Date?
public var isDefault:Bool?
public var isPublic:Bool?
public var disabled:Bool?
public var disabledReason:String?
public var configuration:Configuration?
public var creditor:Creditor?
public var isCreditCard:Bool?
public var isClubManagerCreditCard:Bool?
public var isDirectDebit:Bool?
public var hasSignUpLink:Bool?
public var canProvidePaymentToken:Bool?
public var canProvidePaymentRedirect:Bool?
public var canImport:Bool?
public var canSupplyRawData:Bool?
public var canImportPaymentMethod:Bool?
public var publicTranslation:String?
public var bankAccount:String?
required public init(){}
public enum GatewayType : Int, Codable
case Stripe = 1
case GoCardlessPro = 2
case Dfc = 3
case SmartDebit = 4
case Harlands = 6
case SageOne = 7
case NuPay = 8
case EFT = 9
case PesaPal = 10
case PayPalSms = 12
case PayChoiceCreditCard = 13
case PayChoiceBankAccount = 14
case eDebitCreditCard = 15
case eDebitBankAccount = 16
case DoBillingPayFastCreditCard = 17
case DoBillingNedBankEFTBankAccount = 18
case HarlandsCloud = 19
case IntegraPayCreditCard = 20
case IntegraPayBankAccount = 21
case Payfast = 22
public class Configuration : Codable
public var showConfirmation:Bool?
public var showBillingDetails:Bool?
public var gatewayKey:String?
public var hideCvv:Bool?
public var minimumAdultDateOfBirth:Date?
required public init(){}
public class Creditor : Codable
public var id:String?
public var schemes:[Scheme] = []
public var name:String?
public var addressLine1:String?
public var addressLine2:String?
public var addressLine3:String?
public var city:String?
public var countryCode:String?
public var postalCode:String?
public var region:String?
public var termsAndConditionsUrl:String?
public var countries:[String] = []
required public init(){}
public class Scheme : Codable
public var id:String?
public var reference:String?
public var email:String?
public var phoneNumber:String?
required public init(){}
Swift PaymentGatewayService.GetPaymentGatewayByIdRequest DTOs
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /api/PaymentGateway/GetPaymentGatewayById HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
PaymentGatewayId: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/jsv Content-Length: length { PaymentGatewayId: 0, Name: String, Currency: String, TypeName: String, GatewayType: Stripe, Created: 0001-01-01, AccountingStartDate: 0001-01-01, IsDefault: False, IsPublic: False, Disabled: False, DisabledReason: String, Configuration: { ShowConfirmation: False, ShowBillingDetails: False, GatewayKey: String, HideCvv: False, MinimumAdultDateOfBirth: 0001-01-01 }, Creditor: { Id: String, Schemes: [ { Id: String, Reference: String, Email: String, PhoneNumber: String } ], Name: String, AddressLine1: String, AddressLine2: String, AddressLine3: String, City: String, CountryCode: String, PostalCode: String, Region: String, TermsAndConditionsUrl: String, Countries: [ String ] }, IsCreditCard: False, IsClubManagerCreditCard: False, IsDirectDebit: False, HasSignUpLink: False, CanProvidePaymentToken: False, CanProvidePaymentRedirect: False, CanImport: False, CanSupplyRawData: False, CanImportPaymentMethod: False, PublicTranslation: Direct Debit, BankAccount: String }