POST,GET | /api/PaymentGateway/GetPaymentGatewayById |
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.servicestack.client.*;
public class dtos
public static class PaymentGateway
public Integer PaymentGatewayId = null;
public String Name = null;
public String Currency = null;
public String TypeName = null;
public GatewayType GatewayType = null;
public Date Created = null;
public Date AccountingStartDate = null;
public Boolean IsDefault = null;
public Boolean IsPublic = null;
public Boolean Disabled = null;
public String DisabledReason = null;
public Configuration Configuration = null;
public Creditor Creditor = null;
public Boolean IsCreditCard = null;
public Boolean IsClubManagerCreditCard = null;
public Boolean IsDirectDebit = null;
public Boolean HasSignUpLink = null;
public Boolean CanProvidePaymentToken = null;
public Boolean CanProvidePaymentRedirect = null;
public Boolean CanImport = null;
public Boolean CanSupplyRawData = null;
public Boolean CanImportPaymentMethod = null;
public String PublicTranslation = null;
public String BankAccount = null;
public Integer getPaymentGatewayId() { return PaymentGatewayId; }
public PaymentGateway setPaymentGatewayId(Integer value) { this.PaymentGatewayId = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return Name; }
public PaymentGateway setName(String value) { this.Name = value; return this; }
public String getCurrency() { return Currency; }
public PaymentGateway setCurrency(String value) { this.Currency = value; return this; }
public String getTypeName() { return TypeName; }
public PaymentGateway setTypeName(String value) { this.TypeName = value; return this; }
public GatewayType getGatewayType() { return GatewayType; }
public PaymentGateway setGatewayType(GatewayType value) { this.GatewayType = value; return this; }
public Date getCreated() { return Created; }
public PaymentGateway setCreated(Date value) { this.Created = value; return this; }
public Date getAccountingStartDate() { return AccountingStartDate; }
public PaymentGateway setAccountingStartDate(Date value) { this.AccountingStartDate = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsDefault() { return IsDefault; }
public PaymentGateway setIsDefault(Boolean value) { this.IsDefault = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsPublic() { return IsPublic; }
public PaymentGateway setIsPublic(Boolean value) { this.IsPublic = value; return this; }
public Boolean isDisabled() { return Disabled; }
public PaymentGateway setDisabled(Boolean value) { this.Disabled = value; return this; }
public String getDisabledReason() { return DisabledReason; }
public PaymentGateway setDisabledReason(String value) { this.DisabledReason = value; return this; }
public Configuration getConfiguration() { return Configuration; }
public PaymentGateway setConfiguration(Configuration value) { this.Configuration = value; return this; }
public Creditor getCreditor() { return Creditor; }
public PaymentGateway setCreditor(Creditor value) { this.Creditor = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsCreditCard() { return IsCreditCard; }
public PaymentGateway setIsCreditCard(Boolean value) { this.IsCreditCard = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsClubManagerCreditCard() { return IsClubManagerCreditCard; }
public PaymentGateway setIsClubManagerCreditCard(Boolean value) { this.IsClubManagerCreditCard = value; return this; }
public Boolean getIsDirectDebit() { return IsDirectDebit; }
public PaymentGateway setIsDirectDebit(Boolean value) { this.IsDirectDebit = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHasSignUpLink() { return HasSignUpLink; }
public PaymentGateway setHasSignUpLink(Boolean value) { this.HasSignUpLink = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCanProvidePaymentToken() { return CanProvidePaymentToken; }
public PaymentGateway setCanProvidePaymentToken(Boolean value) { this.CanProvidePaymentToken = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCanProvidePaymentRedirect() { return CanProvidePaymentRedirect; }
public PaymentGateway setCanProvidePaymentRedirect(Boolean value) { this.CanProvidePaymentRedirect = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCanImport() { return CanImport; }
public PaymentGateway setCanImport(Boolean value) { this.CanImport = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCanSupplyRawData() { return CanSupplyRawData; }
public PaymentGateway setCanSupplyRawData(Boolean value) { this.CanSupplyRawData = value; return this; }
public Boolean isCanImportPaymentMethod() { return CanImportPaymentMethod; }
public PaymentGateway setCanImportPaymentMethod(Boolean value) { this.CanImportPaymentMethod = value; return this; }
public String getPublicTranslation() { return PublicTranslation; }
public PaymentGateway setPublicTranslation(String value) { this.PublicTranslation = value; return this; }
public String getBankAccount() { return BankAccount; }
public PaymentGateway setBankAccount(String value) { this.BankAccount = value; return this; }
public static enum GatewayType
private final int value;
GatewayType(final int intValue) { value = intValue; }
public int getValue() { return value; }
public static class Configuration
public Boolean ShowConfirmation = null;
public Boolean ShowBillingDetails = null;
public String GatewayKey = null;
public Boolean HideCvv = null;
public Date MinimumAdultDateOfBirth = null;
public Boolean isShowConfirmation() { return ShowConfirmation; }
public Configuration setShowConfirmation(Boolean value) { this.ShowConfirmation = value; return this; }
public Boolean isShowBillingDetails() { return ShowBillingDetails; }
public Configuration setShowBillingDetails(Boolean value) { this.ShowBillingDetails = value; return this; }
public String getGatewayKey() { return GatewayKey; }
public Configuration setGatewayKey(String value) { this.GatewayKey = value; return this; }
public Boolean isHideCvv() { return HideCvv; }
public Configuration setHideCvv(Boolean value) { this.HideCvv = value; return this; }
public Date getMinimumAdultDateOfBirth() { return MinimumAdultDateOfBirth; }
public Configuration setMinimumAdultDateOfBirth(Date value) { this.MinimumAdultDateOfBirth = value; return this; }
public static class Creditor
public String Id = null;
public ArrayList<Scheme> Schemes = null;
public String Name = null;
public String AddressLine1 = null;
public String AddressLine2 = null;
public String AddressLine3 = null;
public String City = null;
public String CountryCode = null;
public String PostalCode = null;
public String Region = null;
public String TermsAndConditionsUrl = null;
public ArrayList<String> Countries = null;
public String getId() { return Id; }
public Creditor setId(String value) { this.Id = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<Scheme> getSchemes() { return Schemes; }
public Creditor setSchemes(ArrayList<Scheme> value) { this.Schemes = value; return this; }
public String getName() { return Name; }
public Creditor setName(String value) { this.Name = value; return this; }
public String getAddressLine1() { return AddressLine1; }
public Creditor setAddressLine1(String value) { this.AddressLine1 = value; return this; }
public String getAddressLine2() { return AddressLine2; }
public Creditor setAddressLine2(String value) { this.AddressLine2 = value; return this; }
public String getAddressLine3() { return AddressLine3; }
public Creditor setAddressLine3(String value) { this.AddressLine3 = value; return this; }
public String getCity() { return City; }
public Creditor setCity(String value) { this.City = value; return this; }
public String getCountryCode() { return CountryCode; }
public Creditor setCountryCode(String value) { this.CountryCode = value; return this; }
public String getPostalCode() { return PostalCode; }
public Creditor setPostalCode(String value) { this.PostalCode = value; return this; }
public String getRegion() { return Region; }
public Creditor setRegion(String value) { this.Region = value; return this; }
public String getTermsAndConditionsUrl() { return TermsAndConditionsUrl; }
public Creditor setTermsAndConditionsUrl(String value) { this.TermsAndConditionsUrl = value; return this; }
public ArrayList<String> getCountries() { return Countries; }
public Creditor setCountries(ArrayList<String> value) { this.Countries = value; return this; }
public static class Scheme
public String Id = null;
public String Reference = null;
public String Email = null;
public String PhoneNumber = null;
public String getId() { return Id; }
public Scheme setId(String value) { this.Id = value; return this; }
public String getReference() { return Reference; }
public Scheme setReference(String value) { this.Reference = value; return this; }
public String getEmail() { return Email; }
public Scheme setEmail(String value) { this.Email = value; return this; }
public String getPhoneNumber() { return PhoneNumber; }
public Scheme setPhoneNumber(String value) { this.PhoneNumber = value; return this; }
Java PaymentGatewayService.GetPaymentGatewayByIdRequest DTOs
To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv
The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.
POST /api/PaymentGateway/GetPaymentGatewayById HTTP/1.1
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length
PaymentGatewayId: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/jsv Content-Length: length { PaymentGatewayId: 0, Name: String, Currency: String, TypeName: String, GatewayType: Stripe, Created: 0001-01-01, AccountingStartDate: 0001-01-01, IsDefault: False, IsPublic: False, Disabled: False, DisabledReason: String, Configuration: { ShowConfirmation: False, ShowBillingDetails: False, GatewayKey: String, HideCvv: False, MinimumAdultDateOfBirth: 0001-01-01 }, Creditor: { Id: String, Schemes: [ { Id: String, Reference: String, Email: String, PhoneNumber: String } ], Name: String, AddressLine1: String, AddressLine2: String, AddressLine3: String, City: String, CountryCode: String, PostalCode: String, Region: String, TermsAndConditionsUrl: String, Countries: [ String ] }, IsCreditCard: False, IsClubManagerCreditCard: False, IsDirectDebit: False, HasSignUpLink: False, CanProvidePaymentToken: False, CanProvidePaymentRedirect: False, CanImport: False, CanSupplyRawData: False, CanImportPaymentMethod: False, PublicTranslation: Direct Debit, BankAccount: String }