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Requires Authentication
Required role:API
The following routes are available for this service:
All Verbs/api/Query/ProductSessionUsage
import java.math.*;
import java.util.*;
import net.servicestack.client.*;

public class dtos

    @AutoQueryViewer(Description="", IconUrl="octicon:database", Title="ProductSessionUsage")
    public static class FindProductSessionUsage extends QueryDb<ProductSessionUsageInstance>

    public static class QueryDb<T> extends QueryBase

    public static class QueryBase
        public Integer Skip = null;

        public Integer Take = null;

        public String OrderBy = null;

        public String OrderByDesc = null;

        public String Include = null;

        public String Fields = null;

        public HashMap<String,String> Meta = null;
        public Integer getSkip() { return Skip; }
        public QueryBase setSkip(Integer value) { this.Skip = value; return this; }
        public Integer getTake() { return Take; }
        public QueryBase setTake(Integer value) { this.Take = value; return this; }
        public String getOrderBy() { return OrderBy; }
        public QueryBase setOrderBy(String value) { this.OrderBy = value; return this; }
        public String getOrderByDesc() { return OrderByDesc; }
        public QueryBase setOrderByDesc(String value) { this.OrderByDesc = value; return this; }
        public String getInclude() { return Include; }
        public QueryBase setInclude(String value) { this.Include = value; return this; }
        public String getFields() { return Fields; }
        public QueryBase setFields(String value) { this.Fields = value; return this; }
        public HashMap<String,String> getMeta() { return Meta; }
        public QueryBase setMeta(HashMap<String,String> value) { this.Meta = value; return this; }

    public static class ProductSessionUsageInstance
        public Integer ProductSessionUsageId = null;
        public Date Date = null;
        public UserInstance User = null;
        public Integer UserId = null;

        public ProductInstance Product = null;
        public Integer ProductId = null;

        public Integer Amount = null;
        public MemberInstance Member = null;
        public Integer MemberId = null;
        public Integer getProductSessionUsageId() { return ProductSessionUsageId; }
        public ProductSessionUsageInstance setProductSessionUsageId(Integer value) { this.ProductSessionUsageId = value; return this; }
        public Date getDate() { return Date; }
        public ProductSessionUsageInstance setDate(Date value) { this.Date = value; return this; }
        public UserInstance getUser() { return User; }
        public ProductSessionUsageInstance setUser(UserInstance value) { this.User = value; return this; }
        public Integer getUserId() { return UserId; }
        public ProductSessionUsageInstance setUserId(Integer value) { this.UserId = value; return this; }
        public ProductInstance getProduct() { return Product; }
        public ProductSessionUsageInstance setProduct(ProductInstance value) { this.Product = value; return this; }
        public Integer getProductId() { return ProductId; }
        public ProductSessionUsageInstance setProductId(Integer value) { this.ProductId = value; return this; }
        public Integer getAmount() { return Amount; }
        public ProductSessionUsageInstance setAmount(Integer value) { this.Amount = value; return this; }
        public MemberInstance getMember() { return Member; }
        public ProductSessionUsageInstance setMember(MemberInstance value) { this.Member = value; return this; }
        public Integer getMemberId() { return MemberId; }
        public ProductSessionUsageInstance setMemberId(Integer value) { this.MemberId = value; return this; }

    public static class UserInstance
        public Integer UserId = null;
        public String UserName = null;
        public String Name = null;
        public String Email = null;
        public String MobilePhone = null;
        public Boolean Enabled = null;
        public Date LastLogin = null;
        public Date Created = null;
        public Boolean Training = null;
        public Boolean Deleted = null;
        public Integer CoursesCompleted = null;
        public Boolean DisplayHomeNotification = null;
        public Boolean TwoFactorEnabled = null;
        public Boolean EmailConfirmed = null;
        public Boolean MobilePhoneConfirmed = null;
        public Boolean Notifications = null;
        public Date ChangePassword = null;
        public Date Activated = null;
        public Integer getUserId() { return UserId; }
        public UserInstance setUserId(Integer value) { this.UserId = value; return this; }
        public String getUserName() { return UserName; }
        public UserInstance setUserName(String value) { this.UserName = value; return this; }
        public String getName() { return Name; }
        public UserInstance setName(String value) { this.Name = value; return this; }
        public String getEmail() { return Email; }
        public UserInstance setEmail(String value) { this.Email = value; return this; }
        public String getMobilePhone() { return MobilePhone; }
        public UserInstance setMobilePhone(String value) { this.MobilePhone = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isEnabled() { return Enabled; }
        public UserInstance setEnabled(Boolean value) { this.Enabled = value; return this; }
        public Date getLastLogin() { return LastLogin; }
        public UserInstance setLastLogin(Date value) { this.LastLogin = value; return this; }
        public Date getCreated() { return Created; }
        public UserInstance setCreated(Date value) { this.Created = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isTraining() { return Training; }
        public UserInstance setTraining(Boolean value) { this.Training = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isDeleted() { return Deleted; }
        public UserInstance setDeleted(Boolean value) { this.Deleted = value; return this; }
        public Integer getCoursesCompleted() { return CoursesCompleted; }
        public UserInstance setCoursesCompleted(Integer value) { this.CoursesCompleted = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isDisplayHomeNotification() { return DisplayHomeNotification; }
        public UserInstance setDisplayHomeNotification(Boolean value) { this.DisplayHomeNotification = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isTwoFactorEnabled() { return TwoFactorEnabled; }
        public UserInstance setTwoFactorEnabled(Boolean value) { this.TwoFactorEnabled = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isEmailConfirmed() { return EmailConfirmed; }
        public UserInstance setEmailConfirmed(Boolean value) { this.EmailConfirmed = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isMobilePhoneConfirmed() { return MobilePhoneConfirmed; }
        public UserInstance setMobilePhoneConfirmed(Boolean value) { this.MobilePhoneConfirmed = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isNotifications() { return Notifications; }
        public UserInstance setNotifications(Boolean value) { this.Notifications = value; return this; }
        public Date getChangePassword() { return ChangePassword; }
        public UserInstance setChangePassword(Date value) { this.ChangePassword = value; return this; }
        public Date getActivated() { return Activated; }
        public UserInstance setActivated(Date value) { this.Activated = value; return this; }

    public static class ProductInstance
        public Integer ProductId = null;
        public String Group = null;
        public String Name = null;
        public String Description = null;
        public BigDecimal Price = null;
        public BigDecimal VAT = null;
        public BigDecimal TotalPrice = null;
        public Integer ProductType = null;
        public Boolean Deleted = null;
        public Boolean Demo = null;
        public Integer UsageCount = null;
        public Integer StockLevel = null;
        public Integer ReorderFlag = null;
        public Boolean VisibleOnline = null;
        public Integer getProductId() { return ProductId; }
        public ProductInstance setProductId(Integer value) { this.ProductId = value; return this; }
        public String getGroup() { return Group; }
        public ProductInstance setGroup(String value) { this.Group = value; return this; }
        public String getName() { return Name; }
        public ProductInstance setName(String value) { this.Name = value; return this; }
        public String getDescription() { return Description; }
        public ProductInstance setDescription(String value) { this.Description = value; return this; }
        public BigDecimal getPrice() { return Price; }
        public ProductInstance setPrice(BigDecimal value) { this.Price = value; return this; }
        public BigDecimal getVat() { return VAT; }
        public ProductInstance setVat(BigDecimal value) { this.VAT = value; return this; }
        public BigDecimal getTotalPrice() { return TotalPrice; }
        public ProductInstance setTotalPrice(BigDecimal value) { this.TotalPrice = value; return this; }
        public Integer getProductType() { return ProductType; }
        public ProductInstance setProductType(Integer value) { this.ProductType = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isDeleted() { return Deleted; }
        public ProductInstance setDeleted(Boolean value) { this.Deleted = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isDemo() { return Demo; }
        public ProductInstance setDemo(Boolean value) { this.Demo = value; return this; }
        public Integer getUsageCount() { return UsageCount; }
        public ProductInstance setUsageCount(Integer value) { this.UsageCount = value; return this; }
        public Integer getStockLevel() { return StockLevel; }
        public ProductInstance setStockLevel(Integer value) { this.StockLevel = value; return this; }
        public Integer getReorderFlag() { return ReorderFlag; }
        public ProductInstance setReorderFlag(Integer value) { this.ReorderFlag = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isVisibleOnline() { return VisibleOnline; }
        public ProductInstance setVisibleOnline(Boolean value) { this.VisibleOnline = value; return this; }

    public static class MemberInstance
        public Integer MemberId = null;
        public Integer MemberType = null;
        public String MembershipNumber = null;
        public String CardNumber = null;
        public String CompanyName = null;
        public String Surname = null;
        public String Forenames = null;
        public String Title = null;
        public Integer Gender = null;
        public Date DateOfBirth = null;
        public String Address1 = null;
        public String Address2 = null;
        public String City = null;
        public String County = null;
        public String Postcode = null;
        public String HomePhone = null;
        public String MobilePhone = null;
        public String EmailAddress = null;
        public Boolean EmailOptOut = null;
        public Boolean SmsOptOut = null;
        public Boolean PhoneOptOut = null;
        public Boolean LetterOptOut = null;
        public String DirectDebitAccountHolder = null;
        public String DirectDebitAccountNumber = null;
        public String DirectDebitSortCode = null;
        public Date JoinedDate = null;
        public String DirectDebitBankAddress = null;
        public String FullName = null;
        public String ExternalReference = null;
        public byte[] Photo = null;
        public Date PhotoModifiedDate = null;
        public String Notes = null;
        public Boolean Deleted = null;
        public Boolean Demo = null;
        public Boolean UseExternalStatus = null;
        public Integer ExternalStatus = null;
        public String FreeText = null;
        public UUID MemberKey = null;
        public BigDecimal Balance = null;
        public BigDecimal CreditLimit = null;
        public Date CreatedDate = null;
        public Date ModifiedDate = null;
        public Date DeletedDate = null;
        public Integer ExternalSource = null;
        public BigDecimal RetentionMetric = null;
        public BigDecimal MonthlyAttendanceFrequency = null;
        public Integer AssignedToUserId = null;
        public Integer CreatedByUserId = null;
        public Integer DeletedByUserId = null;
        public LossReasonInstance LossReason = null;
        public Integer LossReasonId = null;

        public Integer WonOrLost = null;
        public Date WonOrLostDate = null;
        public Boolean GiftAidPermission = null;
        public Boolean PhotoPermission = null;
        public Boolean FirstAidPermission = null;
        public String EmergencyContact = null;
        public UserInstance WonOrLostByUser = null;
        public Integer WonOrLostByUserId = null;

        public Date AgreedToTerms = null;
        public Boolean OnlineBookingBanned = null;
        public String Country = null;
        public Date FingerprintEnrolled = null;
        public BigDecimal LastPaymentAmount = null;
        public String Pin = null;
        public Integer ProspectingPoints = null;
        public Integer AchievementPoints = null;
        public String ParentForenames = null;
        public String ParentSurname = null;
        public Integer getMemberId() { return MemberId; }
        public MemberInstance setMemberId(Integer value) { this.MemberId = value; return this; }
        public Integer getMemberType() { return MemberType; }
        public MemberInstance setMemberType(Integer value) { this.MemberType = value; return this; }
        public String getMembershipNumber() { return MembershipNumber; }
        public MemberInstance setMembershipNumber(String value) { this.MembershipNumber = value; return this; }
        public String getCardNumber() { return CardNumber; }
        public MemberInstance setCardNumber(String value) { this.CardNumber = value; return this; }
        public String getCompanyName() { return CompanyName; }
        public MemberInstance setCompanyName(String value) { this.CompanyName = value; return this; }
        public String getSurname() { return Surname; }
        public MemberInstance setSurname(String value) { this.Surname = value; return this; }
        public String getForenames() { return Forenames; }
        public MemberInstance setForenames(String value) { this.Forenames = value; return this; }
        public String getTitle() { return Title; }
        public MemberInstance setTitle(String value) { this.Title = value; return this; }
        public Integer getGender() { return Gender; }
        public MemberInstance setGender(Integer value) { this.Gender = value; return this; }
        public Date getDateOfBirth() { return DateOfBirth; }
        public MemberInstance setDateOfBirth(Date value) { this.DateOfBirth = value; return this; }
        public String getAddress1() { return Address1; }
        public MemberInstance setAddress1(String value) { this.Address1 = value; return this; }
        public String getAddress2() { return Address2; }
        public MemberInstance setAddress2(String value) { this.Address2 = value; return this; }
        public String getCity() { return City; }
        public MemberInstance setCity(String value) { this.City = value; return this; }
        public String getCounty() { return County; }
        public MemberInstance setCounty(String value) { this.County = value; return this; }
        public String getPostcode() { return Postcode; }
        public MemberInstance setPostcode(String value) { this.Postcode = value; return this; }
        public String getHomePhone() { return HomePhone; }
        public MemberInstance setHomePhone(String value) { this.HomePhone = value; return this; }
        public String getMobilePhone() { return MobilePhone; }
        public MemberInstance setMobilePhone(String value) { this.MobilePhone = value; return this; }
        public String getEmailAddress() { return EmailAddress; }
        public MemberInstance setEmailAddress(String value) { this.EmailAddress = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isEmailOptOut() { return EmailOptOut; }
        public MemberInstance setEmailOptOut(Boolean value) { this.EmailOptOut = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isSmsOptOut() { return SmsOptOut; }
        public MemberInstance setSmsOptOut(Boolean value) { this.SmsOptOut = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isPhoneOptOut() { return PhoneOptOut; }
        public MemberInstance setPhoneOptOut(Boolean value) { this.PhoneOptOut = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isLetterOptOut() { return LetterOptOut; }
        public MemberInstance setLetterOptOut(Boolean value) { this.LetterOptOut = value; return this; }
        public String getDirectDebitAccountHolder() { return DirectDebitAccountHolder; }
        public MemberInstance setDirectDebitAccountHolder(String value) { this.DirectDebitAccountHolder = value; return this; }
        public String getDirectDebitAccountNumber() { return DirectDebitAccountNumber; }
        public MemberInstance setDirectDebitAccountNumber(String value) { this.DirectDebitAccountNumber = value; return this; }
        public String getDirectDebitSortCode() { return DirectDebitSortCode; }
        public MemberInstance setDirectDebitSortCode(String value) { this.DirectDebitSortCode = value; return this; }
        public Date getJoinedDate() { return JoinedDate; }
        public MemberInstance setJoinedDate(Date value) { this.JoinedDate = value; return this; }
        public String getDirectDebitBankAddress() { return DirectDebitBankAddress; }
        public MemberInstance setDirectDebitBankAddress(String value) { this.DirectDebitBankAddress = value; return this; }
        public String getFullName() { return FullName; }
        public MemberInstance setFullName(String value) { this.FullName = value; return this; }
        public String getExternalReference() { return ExternalReference; }
        public MemberInstance setExternalReference(String value) { this.ExternalReference = value; return this; }
        public byte[] getPhoto() { return Photo; }
        public MemberInstance setPhoto(byte[] value) { this.Photo = value; return this; }
        public Date getPhotoModifiedDate() { return PhotoModifiedDate; }
        public MemberInstance setPhotoModifiedDate(Date value) { this.PhotoModifiedDate = value; return this; }
        public String getNotes() { return Notes; }
        public MemberInstance setNotes(String value) { this.Notes = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isDeleted() { return Deleted; }
        public MemberInstance setDeleted(Boolean value) { this.Deleted = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isDemo() { return Demo; }
        public MemberInstance setDemo(Boolean value) { this.Demo = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isUseExternalStatus() { return UseExternalStatus; }
        public MemberInstance setUseExternalStatus(Boolean value) { this.UseExternalStatus = value; return this; }
        public Integer getExternalStatus() { return ExternalStatus; }
        public MemberInstance setExternalStatus(Integer value) { this.ExternalStatus = value; return this; }
        public String getFreeText() { return FreeText; }
        public MemberInstance setFreeText(String value) { this.FreeText = value; return this; }
        public UUID getMemberKey() { return MemberKey; }
        public MemberInstance setMemberKey(UUID value) { this.MemberKey = value; return this; }
        public BigDecimal getBalance() { return Balance; }
        public MemberInstance setBalance(BigDecimal value) { this.Balance = value; return this; }
        public BigDecimal getCreditLimit() { return CreditLimit; }
        public MemberInstance setCreditLimit(BigDecimal value) { this.CreditLimit = value; return this; }
        public Date getCreatedDate() { return CreatedDate; }
        public MemberInstance setCreatedDate(Date value) { this.CreatedDate = value; return this; }
        public Date getModifiedDate() { return ModifiedDate; }
        public MemberInstance setModifiedDate(Date value) { this.ModifiedDate = value; return this; }
        public Date getDeletedDate() { return DeletedDate; }
        public MemberInstance setDeletedDate(Date value) { this.DeletedDate = value; return this; }
        public Integer getExternalSource() { return ExternalSource; }
        public MemberInstance setExternalSource(Integer value) { this.ExternalSource = value; return this; }
        public BigDecimal getRetentionMetric() { return RetentionMetric; }
        public MemberInstance setRetentionMetric(BigDecimal value) { this.RetentionMetric = value; return this; }
        public BigDecimal getMonthlyAttendanceFrequency() { return MonthlyAttendanceFrequency; }
        public MemberInstance setMonthlyAttendanceFrequency(BigDecimal value) { this.MonthlyAttendanceFrequency = value; return this; }
        public Integer getAssignedToUserId() { return AssignedToUserId; }
        public MemberInstance setAssignedToUserId(Integer value) { this.AssignedToUserId = value; return this; }
        public Integer getCreatedByUserId() { return CreatedByUserId; }
        public MemberInstance setCreatedByUserId(Integer value) { this.CreatedByUserId = value; return this; }
        public Integer getDeletedByUserId() { return DeletedByUserId; }
        public MemberInstance setDeletedByUserId(Integer value) { this.DeletedByUserId = value; return this; }
        public LossReasonInstance getLossReason() { return LossReason; }
        public MemberInstance setLossReason(LossReasonInstance value) { this.LossReason = value; return this; }
        public Integer getLossReasonId() { return LossReasonId; }
        public MemberInstance setLossReasonId(Integer value) { this.LossReasonId = value; return this; }
        public Integer getWonOrLost() { return WonOrLost; }
        public MemberInstance setWonOrLost(Integer value) { this.WonOrLost = value; return this; }
        public Date getWonOrLostDate() { return WonOrLostDate; }
        public MemberInstance setWonOrLostDate(Date value) { this.WonOrLostDate = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isGiftAidPermission() { return GiftAidPermission; }
        public MemberInstance setGiftAidPermission(Boolean value) { this.GiftAidPermission = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isPhotoPermission() { return PhotoPermission; }
        public MemberInstance setPhotoPermission(Boolean value) { this.PhotoPermission = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isFirstAidPermission() { return FirstAidPermission; }
        public MemberInstance setFirstAidPermission(Boolean value) { this.FirstAidPermission = value; return this; }
        public String getEmergencyContact() { return EmergencyContact; }
        public MemberInstance setEmergencyContact(String value) { this.EmergencyContact = value; return this; }
        public UserInstance getWonOrLostByUser() { return WonOrLostByUser; }
        public MemberInstance setWonOrLostByUser(UserInstance value) { this.WonOrLostByUser = value; return this; }
        public Integer getWonOrLostByUserId() { return WonOrLostByUserId; }
        public MemberInstance setWonOrLostByUserId(Integer value) { this.WonOrLostByUserId = value; return this; }
        public Date getAgreedToTerms() { return AgreedToTerms; }
        public MemberInstance setAgreedToTerms(Date value) { this.AgreedToTerms = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isOnlineBookingBanned() { return OnlineBookingBanned; }
        public MemberInstance setOnlineBookingBanned(Boolean value) { this.OnlineBookingBanned = value; return this; }
        public String getCountry() { return Country; }
        public MemberInstance setCountry(String value) { this.Country = value; return this; }
        public Date getFingerprintEnrolled() { return FingerprintEnrolled; }
        public MemberInstance setFingerprintEnrolled(Date value) { this.FingerprintEnrolled = value; return this; }
        public BigDecimal getLastPaymentAmount() { return LastPaymentAmount; }
        public MemberInstance setLastPaymentAmount(BigDecimal value) { this.LastPaymentAmount = value; return this; }
        public String getPin() { return Pin; }
        public MemberInstance setPin(String value) { this.Pin = value; return this; }
        public Integer getProspectingPoints() { return ProspectingPoints; }
        public MemberInstance setProspectingPoints(Integer value) { this.ProspectingPoints = value; return this; }
        public Integer getAchievementPoints() { return AchievementPoints; }
        public MemberInstance setAchievementPoints(Integer value) { this.AchievementPoints = value; return this; }
        public String getParentForenames() { return ParentForenames; }
        public MemberInstance setParentForenames(String value) { this.ParentForenames = value; return this; }
        public String getParentSurname() { return ParentSurname; }
        public MemberInstance setParentSurname(String value) { this.ParentSurname = value; return this; }

    public static class LossReasonInstance
        public Integer LossReasonId = null;
        public String Reason = null;
        public Boolean Deleted = null;
        public Boolean Demo = null;
        public Boolean Selectable = null;
        public Integer getLossReasonId() { return LossReasonId; }
        public LossReasonInstance setLossReasonId(Integer value) { this.LossReasonId = value; return this; }
        public String getReason() { return Reason; }
        public LossReasonInstance setReason(String value) { this.Reason = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isDeleted() { return Deleted; }
        public LossReasonInstance setDeleted(Boolean value) { this.Deleted = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isDemo() { return Demo; }
        public LossReasonInstance setDemo(Boolean value) { this.Demo = value; return this; }
        public Boolean isSelectable() { return Selectable; }
        public LossReasonInstance setSelectable(Boolean value) { this.Selectable = value; return this; }

    public static class QueryResponse<T>
        public Integer Offset = null;

        public Integer Total = null;

        public ArrayList<T> Results = null;

        public HashMap<String,String> Meta = null;

        public ResponseStatus ResponseStatus = null;
        public Integer getOffset() { return Offset; }
        public QueryResponse<T> setOffset(Integer value) { this.Offset = value; return this; }
        public Integer getTotal() { return Total; }
        public QueryResponse<T> setTotal(Integer value) { this.Total = value; return this; }
        public ArrayList<T> getResults() { return Results; }
        public QueryResponse<T> setResults(ArrayList<T> value) { this.Results = value; return this; }
        public HashMap<String,String> getMeta() { return Meta; }
        public QueryResponse<T> setMeta(HashMap<String,String> value) { this.Meta = value; return this; }
        public ResponseStatus getResponseStatus() { return ResponseStatus; }
        public QueryResponse<T> setResponseStatus(ResponseStatus value) { this.ResponseStatus = value; return this; }


Java FindProductSessionUsage DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .jsv suffix or ?format=jsv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /api/Query/ProductSessionUsage HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/jsv
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	Skip: 0,
	Take: 0,
	OrderBy: String,
	OrderByDesc: String,
	Include: String,
	Fields: String,
		String: String
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/jsv
Content-Length: length

	Offset: 0,
	Total: 0,
			ProductSessionUsageId: 0,
			Date: 0001-01-01,
				UserId: 0,
				UserName: String,
				Name: String,
				Email: String,
				MobilePhone: String,
				Enabled: False,
				LastLogin: 0001-01-01,
				Created: 0001-01-01,
				Training: False,
				Deleted: False,
				CoursesCompleted: 0,
				DisplayHomeNotification: False,
				TwoFactorEnabled: False,
				EmailConfirmed: False,
				MobilePhoneConfirmed: False,
				Notifications: False,
				ChangePassword: 0001-01-01,
				Activated: 0001-01-01
			UserId: 0,
				ProductId: 0,
				Group: String,
				Name: String,
				Description: String,
				Price: 0,
				VAT: 0,
				TotalPrice: 0,
				ProductType: 0,
				Deleted: False,
				Demo: False,
				UsageCount: 0,
				StockLevel: 0,
				ReorderFlag: 0,
				VisibleOnline: False
			ProductId: 0,
			Amount: 0,
				MemberId: 0,
				MemberType: 0,
				MembershipNumber: String,
				CardNumber: String,
				CompanyName: String,
				Surname: String,
				Forenames: String,
				Title: String,
				Gender: 0,
				DateOfBirth: 0001-01-01,
				Address1: String,
				Address2: String,
				City: String,
				County: String,
				Postcode: String,
				HomePhone: String,
				MobilePhone: String,
				EmailAddress: String,
				EmailOptOut: False,
				SmsOptOut: False,
				PhoneOptOut: False,
				LetterOptOut: False,
				DirectDebitAccountHolder: String,
				DirectDebitAccountNumber: String,
				DirectDebitSortCode: String,
				JoinedDate: 0001-01-01,
				DirectDebitBankAddress: String,
				FullName: String,
				ExternalReference: String,
				Photo: AA==,
				PhotoModifiedDate: 0001-01-01,
				Notes: String,
				Deleted: False,
				Demo: False,
				UseExternalStatus: False,
				ExternalStatus: 0,
				FreeText: String,
				MemberKey: 00000000000000000000000000000000,
				Balance: 0,
				CreditLimit: 0,
				CreatedDate: 0001-01-01,
				ModifiedDate: 0001-01-01,
				DeletedDate: 0001-01-01,
				ExternalSource: 0,
				RetentionMetric: 0,
				MonthlyAttendanceFrequency: 0,
				AssignedToUserId: 0,
				CreatedByUserId: 0,
				DeletedByUserId: 0,
					LossReasonId: 0,
					Reason: String,
					Deleted: False,
					Demo: False,
					Selectable: False
				LossReasonId: 0,
				WonOrLost: 0,
				WonOrLostDate: 0001-01-01,
				GiftAidPermission: False,
				PhotoPermission: False,
				FirstAidPermission: False,
				EmergencyContact: String,
					UserId: 0,
					UserName: String,
					Name: String,
					Email: String,
					MobilePhone: String,
					Enabled: False,
					LastLogin: 0001-01-01,
					Created: 0001-01-01,
					Training: False,
					Deleted: False,
					CoursesCompleted: 0,
					DisplayHomeNotification: False,
					TwoFactorEnabled: False,
					EmailConfirmed: False,
					MobilePhoneConfirmed: False,
					Notifications: False,
					ChangePassword: 0001-01-01,
					Activated: 0001-01-01
				WonOrLostByUserId: 0,
				AgreedToTerms: 0001-01-01,
				OnlineBookingBanned: False,
				Country: String,
				FingerprintEnrolled: 0001-01-01,
				LastPaymentAmount: 0,
				Pin: String,
				ProspectingPoints: 0,
				AchievementPoints: 0,
				ParentForenames: String,
				ParentSurname: String
			MemberId: 0
		String: String
		ErrorCode: String,
		Message: String,
		StackTrace: String,
				ErrorCode: String,
				FieldName: String,
				Message: String,
					String: String
			String: String