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Requires Authentication
Required role:API
The following routes are available for this service:
All Verbs/api/Query/UserGetUsers
import Foundation
import ServiceStack

// @AutoQueryViewer(Description="", IconUrl="octicon:database", Title="UserGetUsers")
public class ViewUserGetUsers : QueryDb<UserGetUsersInstance>
    required public init(){ super.init() }

    required public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
        try super.init(from: decoder)

    public override func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
        try super.encode(to: encoder)

public class UserGetUsersInstance : Codable
    public var user:UserInstance?
    // @References(typeof(UserInstance))
    public var userId:Int?

    public var userName:String?
    public var name:String?
    public var email:String?
    public var mobilePhone:String?
    public var enabled:Bool?
    public var lastLogin:Date?
    public var created:Date?
    public var training:Bool?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var coursesCompleted:Int?
    public var displayHomeNotification:Bool?
    public var twoFactorEnabled:Bool?
    public var emailConfirmed:Bool?
    public var mobilePhoneConfirmed:Bool?
    public var notifications:Bool?
    public var changePassword:Date?
    public var activated:Date?
    public var member:MemberInstance?
    // @References(typeof(MemberInstance))
    public var memberId:Int?

    public var parentBranchId:Int?
    public var domain:String?
    public var identity:String?
    public var branchName:String?
    public var branchKey:String?
    public var publishableKey:String?
    public var secretKey:String?

    required public init(){}

public class UserInstance : Codable
    public var userId:Int?
    public var userName:String?
    public var name:String?
    public var email:String?
    public var mobilePhone:String?
    public var enabled:Bool?
    public var lastLogin:Date?
    public var created:Date?
    public var training:Bool?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var coursesCompleted:Int?
    public var displayHomeNotification:Bool?
    public var twoFactorEnabled:Bool?
    public var emailConfirmed:Bool?
    public var mobilePhoneConfirmed:Bool?
    public var notifications:Bool?
    public var changePassword:Date?
    public var activated:Date?

    required public init(){}

public class MemberInstance : Codable
    public var memberId:Int?
    public var memberType:Int?
    public var membershipNumber:String?
    public var cardNumber:String?
    public var companyName:String?
    public var surname:String?
    public var forenames:String?
    public var title:String?
    public var gender:Int?
    public var dateOfBirth:Date?
    public var address1:String?
    public var address2:String?
    public var city:String?
    public var county:String?
    public var postcode:String?
    public var homePhone:String?
    public var mobilePhone:String?
    public var emailAddress:String?
    public var emailOptOut:Bool?
    public var smsOptOut:Bool?
    public var phoneOptOut:Bool?
    public var letterOptOut:Bool?
    public var directDebitAccountHolder:String?
    public var directDebitAccountNumber:String?
    public var directDebitSortCode:String?
    public var joinedDate:Date?
    public var directDebitBankAddress:String?
    public var fullName:String?
    public var externalReference:String?
    public var photo:[UInt8] = []
    public var photoModifiedDate:Date?
    public var notes:String?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var demo:Bool?
    public var useExternalStatus:Bool?
    public var externalStatus:Int?
    public var freeText:String?
    public var memberKey:String?
    public var balance:Double?
    public var creditLimit:Double?
    public var createdDate:Date?
    public var modifiedDate:Date?
    public var deletedDate:Date?
    public var externalSource:Int?
    public var retentionMetric:Double?
    public var monthlyAttendanceFrequency:Double?
    public var assignedToUserId:Int?
    public var createdByUserId:Int?
    public var deletedByUserId:Int?
    public var lossReason:LossReasonInstance?
    // @References(typeof(LossReasonInstance))
    public var lossReasonId:Int?

    public var wonOrLost:Int?
    public var wonOrLostDate:Date?
    public var giftAidPermission:Bool?
    public var photoPermission:Bool?
    public var firstAidPermission:Bool?
    public var emergencyContact:String?
    public var wonOrLostByUser:UserInstance?
    // @References(typeof(UserInstance))
    public var wonOrLostByUserId:Int?

    public var agreedToTerms:Date?
    public var onlineBookingBanned:Bool?
    public var country:String?
    public var fingerprintEnrolled:Date?
    public var lastPaymentAmount:Double?
    public var pin:String?
    public var prospectingPoints:Int?
    public var achievementPoints:Int?
    public var parentForenames:String?
    public var parentSurname:String?

    required public init(){}

public class LossReasonInstance : Codable
    public var lossReasonId:Int?
    public var reason:String?
    public var deleted:Bool?
    public var demo:Bool?
    public var selectable:Bool?

    required public init(){}

Swift ViewUserGetUsers DTOs

To override the Content-type in your clients, use the HTTP Accept Header, append the .csv suffix or ?format=csv


The following are sample HTTP requests and responses. The placeholders shown need to be replaced with actual values.

POST /api/Query/UserGetUsers HTTP/1.1 
Accept: text/csv
Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Length: length

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: text/csv
Content-Length: length
